NOC - North Ocean Company
NOC stands for North Ocean Company
Here you will find, what does NOC stand for in Logistics under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate North Ocean Company? North Ocean Company can be abbreviated as NOC What does NOC stand for? NOC stands for North Ocean Company. What does North Ocean Company mean?The Qatar based company is located in Doha, Ad Dawhah engaged in logistics and supply chain industry.
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Alternative definitions of NOC
- The Networking Operations Center
- No Objection Certificate
- Nantahala Outdoors Center
- Networks Operations Center
- No Objection Certificate
- Network Operations Center
- Network Operations Center
- Nantahala Outdoor Center
View 83 other definitions of NOC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- NC Nico and Co
- NDDPL ND Developers Private Limited
- NCC North Commons Cafeteria
- NCG The Novak Consulting Group
- NBCC Nothing By Chance Coaching
- NARC National Association of Regional Councils
- NG The Nextgen Group
- NCI Northeast Construction Inc.
- NSC Nugent Sand Company
- NMUK Norton Motorcycles UK
- NCA The Nationwide Caterers Association
- NSC Nebraska Surgery Center
- NAMI Northern Access Mining Inc
- NBCMI The National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters
- NIGA National Indian Gaming Association
- NSSG National Shipping Services Group
- NRMC Natchez Regional Medical Center
- NDA New Diligence Advisors
- NBCGL NBC Group Ltd.
- NSSRC North Shore Stroke Recovery Centre